
Relive Childhood Joy: Sunpal's "Ice Cream DIY" Holiday Celebration

Sunpal NewsRelease Time: 2024-05-30

Sunpal Celebrates Children's Day with Fun-Filled "Ice Cream DIY" Event

Remember the pure joy of making homemade ice cream as a kid? Sunpal's "Ice Cream DIY" Holiday Celebration on May 30th brings back that feeling and celebrates the enduring joy of childhood!

On May 30, in order to allow our employees to reconnect with the cherished memories of their childhood and unwind from work pressures on this special day, Sunpal specially planned a delightful event: the "Ice Cream DIY" holiday celebration. Let's embark on a journey down memory lane and reminisce about the sweetness of childhood together!

To join this heartwarming event, we encouraged all employees to share a childhood photo in the company group from 15:20 to 15:30. When the tender faces of childhood appeared in everyone's view, it felt as if those precious days were right within our reach. Sharing childhood photos brought colleagues closer together, fostering a deeper sense of familiarity and connection.

Following the enthusiastic sharing of childhood photos, Sunpal's logistics department invited all participants to gather at the company bar for the "Ice Cream DIY" event. Here, amidst the backdrop of familiar children's songs, we happily gathered together, using exquisite materials to DIY our favorite ice cream flavors and savoring the taste of childhood in every bite.

At Sunpal, we prioritize a people-oriented corporate culture and core values. We treasure the happiness of our employees and strive to cultivate an environment where everyone can regain the happy times of the past. Our "Ice Cream DIY" holiday celebration is not only about making delicious desserts, but also about fostering a sense of community within our team, evoking everyone's nostalgia for childhood, and fostering a joyful state of mind.

Let's celebrate Children's Day with Sunpal! On this special day, we commemorated the innocence and joy of childhood together and created beautiful memories that belong to us!

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